This version is a LIMITED version.You can't have more than 30 lines when you play.
If you like this game and want the final version, please send us$15 to:
Pierre Abel
4 rue championnet
78500 Sartrouville
no check if possible because of my bank!!!
CASH (well hidden) is welcome.
You will receive a personalized version of Tetronix 2.0 (the final version, not limited) including high scoring.
Tetronix 2.0 is waiting for you!!
There is a minor change between 1.0 and 1.1 : you can move pieces easily at high levels.
I hope you know the aim of this game because I won't explain it !!
The fundamental changes are the TWIST commands and the diversity of the pieces.
if you have a black and white monitor please select WHITE BACKGROUND in the options menu.
*NEW GAME allows you to begin a new game.
*STOP GAME allows you to stop the current game.
*LEVEL allows you to select your level.
IMPORTANT :If you are playing a game you can't use this menu item.You must select STOP GAME and you will be able to use this menu item.
*KEYS allows you to change keys which will be used while
you'll play...
*PAUSE will pause the game you are playing. ( type 'R' it's the same effect!)
*RESUME will resume the game you are playing.
*SOUND will put the sound on or off.
*WHITE BACKGROUND will put the background of the Tetronix window in white.Some people prefer to play with a white background...
If you are playing a game you can't use this menu item.You must select STOP GAME and you will be able to use this menu item.
***Commands of the game***
P : Pause the game.
Left (4 (default)) : move the piece to the left
Right(6) : move the piece to the right
Rotate(5): Rotate the piece of 90 degree in the plane of the screen
Down(2): take down immediately the piece (it is useful when you can't use Drop ...)
Drop(0) : Drop the piece (it goes down until it meet with another piece)
**Twist (8 (default)**:
This is a NEW COMMAND which is very useful....
It rotates the piece of 180 degree with an axis which is in the plane of the screen...
To simplify it's like if you look behind the piece.
For some pieces it does nothing because of their symmetry whereas for some it is crucial to do a good score and so to play more time.
Now you can have 8 positions (4*2) with the 2 combined rotations for a piece....Thus there is more reflection!!!
When the game is over just click in the 'Lost!' window.
The score is a function of the level,the height of the put piece...
There is a bonus when you Drop the piece in function of the height of the fall...
**Level** :
You go to the next level each time that the number of the lines is level*10 ...(example : you go from the level 3 to the level 4 when you have done 30 lines)
When you will begin to play this game, begin at the first level to get used with the new pieces and the Twist option...
In addition, in the Control Panel, I advice you to put the repeat speed of keys at the maximum and the repeat delay at the minimum.
note:An Apple IIGS version (called TetroTrix) is available if you want!